Privacy Policy For Boostro

This Privacy Policy governs the online information collection practices of Boostaro ("we" or "us"). It outlines the types of information we gather about you while using the Boostaro website (the "Site") and how we use this information. This Privacy Policy, including our children’s privacy statement, does not apply to information you provide offline or through other means (e.g., at live events, via telephone, or through the mail).

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using the Site, you agree that your use of our Site and any disputes over privacy are governed by this Privacy Policy. As the web evolves, we may update this Privacy Policy in the future. We will post any changes here and update the Effective Date to reflect the changes. Continuing to use the Site after changes are posted means you accept the modified Privacy Policy.

How We Collect and Use Information

We may collect and store personal or other information you voluntarily provide while using the Site (e.g., during online registration or in response to emails). The Site only contacts individuals who specifically request it or those who have signed up for our messaging, attended our events, or purchased our products. Information collected includes your name, email address, postal address, and credit card details.

We also collect information automatically as you navigate the Site, such as data about your computer’s connection to the Internet, which helps us improve our web page delivery and measure traffic. We may use cookies—small files placed on your hard drive—to enhance your experience, deliver advertisements, and track user trends. Cookies help us prevent you from re-entering preferences and enable us to provide tailored advertisements. We may also use web beacons to count users and track HTML-formatted email interactions.

We use the information collected to customize features and advertising on the Site and to make offers available via email, direct mail, or otherwise. We may share your information with third parties, such as service providers and advertisers, for various purposes. If you do not want your information used for these purposes, you must contact our Online Privacy Coordinator at the address listed below.

Please be aware that any personal information you voluntarily make available online (e.g., on message boards or in chat areas) can be seen, collected, and used by others. We cannot be responsible for unauthorized third-party use of such information.

Third-party advertisers and ad servers on the Site may collect information via cookies or web beacons. Their use of your information is governed by their own privacy policies, which may differ from ours. If you have concerns, review the privacy policies of these third parties.

The Site may include links to other websites and products or services offered by third parties. The privacy policies of these sites are not controlled by us. When you access other sites or services, their privacy policies apply to the information you provide.

We may share information with third-party providers through cooperative arrangements. If our provider partners collect information directly, their privacy policies apply. For questions about a provider partner’s privacy practices, contact them directly.

We may release information about our visitors to comply with the law or to protect users’ rights, property, or safety. If we sell or transfer assets, user information may be among the transferred assets.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics Advertiser Features to optimize our business, including:

Remarketing with Google Analytics
Google Display Network Impression Reporting
DoubleClick Platform integrations
Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting
These features use cookies to gather data about your activities on our Site, helping us improve our advertising and reach the right audience. You can opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google’s ad settings or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.


As advertisers on Facebook, we may collect information from Facebook users. This data is used according to this Privacy Policy. We comply with Facebook’s Data Use Restrictions and do not use Facebook advertising data for purposes other than assessing our advertising campaigns.

General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR, effective May 25, 2018, protects the data of European Union (EU) citizens. We do not specifically target or conduct business with the EU. If your data is governed by GDPR, we will comply with relevant provisions. EU residents or those accessing the site from the EEA have rights to request access, correction, deletion, portability, and restriction of their personal data. Contact our GDPR representative at [email protected] for these requests.

Children’s Privacy Statement

This Site is not directed at children under thirteen, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from them. If we inadvertently receive such information, we will delete it. We do not distribute or condition participation on providing personal information from children under thirteen.

How We Store Your Information

Your information is stored on our list server and can only be accessed by those managing the lists to deliver emails. All communications include an unsubscribe link, allowing you to remove yourself from our mailing list at any time.


This policy may change at our discretion. Updated policies will be posted on this page. For questions or concerns about our privacy policy, contact us at [email protected].